Second World War Blog Rules and Guidance
To join email Replace AT with @
This blog follows the closure of the BBC's WW2 - People's War. It was founded by Peter Ghiringhelli with co-founders Tom Canning, Ron Goldstein, and Frank Mee. We invite you to submit your true stories relating to the Second World War or to ask any questions on any aspect of the war. We particularly invite all People's War Site Helpers and Researchers to join us.
Click here for an Audio Clip welcome message
Only Members can Post, but non-Members may Comment on a Post.

- We are not responsible for the content, accuracy, opinions expressed, privacy policies, or for any damages, directly or indirectly, caused or alleged to have been caused as a result of your use or reliance on any of the postings or comments on the World War Two blog.
- We have the right to edit, remove or deny access to content that is determined to be, in our sole discretion, unacceptable. Off topic posts or comments are accepted solely at the discretion of the founder members. Our decision is final and we will not enter into any correspondence on the matter.

Now for some guidance:
- Remember the golden rule: Treat others with respect.
About contributing to the blog:
- Keep your contributions civil, tasteful and relevant. We're committed to providing an atmosphere in which friendly and mature dialogue takes place. Therefore:
- No flaming. Flaming includes sending unlawful, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, racially offensive, or otherwise objectionable material.
- No spamming or flooding. Spamming is the posting of the same (or very similar) messages to lots of threads. Flooding is when the same (or a very similar) message is posted over and over again to the same conversation. It's especially antisocial if it's off-topic for those threads. If you do this, we will remove your postings or comments.
- Please think carefully before revealing personal information in the blog. If you are sure that you want people to be able to contact you, we recommend you post your email address as - where @ has to be substituted for AT. If you are under 16, please do not reveal any personal information.
- It is not acceptable to publicise anyone else's contact details other than your own, and we will remove any postal addresses or telephone numbers from postings, other than addresses in the public domain.
- No advertising.
- Please use only appropriate and suitable URLs (website addresses) in your postings. Links to pornography, commercial services or other inappropriate content will be deleted at our discretion. Any URLs you include will be checked by a member of the team.